Curious About Dr Tom’s First Visit to the Chiropractor? Here’s Why He is the Way He is Today!

The first time I went to the chiropractor, it changed the trajectory of my life.

As a kid, I struggled with a lot of anxiety, pain discomfort, and I dealt with it daily, and going to the chiropractor for the first time gave me answers.

Gave me answers that no one else gave me and allowed me to see why I was struggling.

Hi, I'm Doctor Tom Williams, owner of Roots Family Chiropractic in Chicago and Northwest Indiana, and I would like to help you on this journey towards health and healing.

I would like to help you understand why you or your child are struggling and be given answers that are different from the rest and be given hope for something more.

If you'd like to learn more about how chiropractic adjustments can improve a child's health, a child's focus, a child's development, or help your body adapt to the stress around you. Give us a call!